When buying Web Hosting for your website, asking some questions before finalizing the deal is essential. Missing vital information regarding the hosting provider can negatively impact your website’s performance.
In this article, we have analyzed specific questions one should ask their hosting provider to know more about them and get a better deal.
If you need the best Web Host Australia solution, buy Domain and Web Hosting from a reputed Web Hosting company. Ensure you select the most affordable Web Host, as the Web Hosting cost in Australia varies from company to company for the same features.
Before purchasing Hosting Plans, make sure you ask some important questions to your hosting provider.
Let’s know more about Web Hosting-related queries.
Top Questions to Ask Your Website Hosting Provider
- What Is The Web Host’s Server Reliability And Uptime Score?
Ensure the Web Host in Australia operates on a powerful server and stable network. They should be able to operate 24/7. Additionally, the recommended uptime should be between 90% to 99.5%.
- What is the Web Hosting Company’s Security Policy?
When considering a Web Host, ensure the company addresses its security policies. You can’t compromise your website data, and if the company needs to maintain proper security measures, it can be a problem.
- What Types of Hosting Plans are Available?
You may require different types of hosting, so ensure the company provides the hosting you need, such as Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Cloud Hosting, and Dedicated Servers.
- Does the Web Host Offer Free Upgrades to a New Hosting Package?
When you start your Web Hosting with a basic plan and eventually require more resources, you may need to upgrade your plan. Therefore, ensure that your company provides free upgrades to higher plans or not.
- Do They Offer a Free Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate?
Ensure your provider offers an SSL certificate. It ensures the website is protected and has better security and relevance. Having an SSL certificate is also essential for SEO. If you have an e-commerce store, having an SSL certificate is particularly important.
- Do They Provide Multiple Add-on Domains?
Select a hosting provider that allows you to add multiple domains. Generally, hosting companies allow at least 25 add-on domains per account, but some Web Hosts may only allow one domain.
- What’s the Web Host’s Downtime History?
Downtime is when a website is unavailable for a period. Ask your hosting provider how often they have experienced downtime in the past. Having minimal downtime is ideal, but also inquire about the measures they have taken to fix any issues promptly.
- What is the Backup Policy?
Backups are essential for saving your data, so ensure your provider performs backups promptly. For example, some hosting providers perform backups more than once daily, while others do it less frequently.
- Responsiveness of Customer Service and Tech Support?
Ensure the provider has efficient customer service and tech support services that operate 24/7. Additionally, inquire about their average response and resolution time.
- What is the Number of Customers on Each Server?
Inquire about the number of customers hosted on the server. The number of websites on each server can affect the performance of your website.
Web Hosting cost in Australia is within the affordable range, and businesses can expect to get value for their money. However, it becomes crucial to ask the questions mentioned earlier to your Web Hosting company so that you do not experience a bumpy ride.