Top 7 Home Business ideas


If you’ve spent any time researching on the internet, you’ll have found hundreds of ideas for businesses to start from home. How do you find out which ones are scams and which ones are genuine ways to make money? Keep reading and researching.

Anyone who promises that you can earn quick money in just a few weeks, but requires you to pay them large sums of money first, is probably best avoided.

Any genuine home business opportunity will take time and effort to build up, but we’ve all heard stories of people who are now earning a good income, and some who have given up work completely, by starting home businesses.

One of the easiest and cheapest, even free, ways to start a home business is by using the opportunities afforded by the internet. This can be a low cost option, as there are minimal overheads, your main requirement being a computer and an internet connection.

Ebay reselling – either buying low and selling high – clearing out items from your loft or garage, or using the dropshipping directories now available to buy direct and sell on via Ebay.

Google Adsense – setting up content websites with Google AdSense code and getting paid for every visitor that clicks on one of your ads. There are people making money with this, the outlay is minimal and the potential is huge.

Google Adwords – this is a real art, but there are some people making good money. If you are good with words, then this could be for you. By setting up a Google AdWords campaign and directing traffic to an Affiliate site, such as an Ebook, it is possible to make money. By the way, it’s also possible to spend a lot of money without making even one sale. If you’re considering this option, I’d recommend buying one of the very good ebooks available on the subject, and learn from the experts.

Affiliate Sales – if you are a good sales person and feel that you could write good copy online, this could be your opportunity to make money. Not for the faint hearted, the highest paid “super affiliates” are making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Consider that 20% of the people are making 80% of the money and you’ll know that you’ll need to do some good research before you get started. The only option for this is Rosalind Gardners, “Super Affiliate Handbook”, which is a comprehensive manual to everything you need to know on the subject of affiliate marketing.

Write your own Ebook – at one time or another, most of us have thought of this, but have we taken it any further? If you are an expert in an area, or are a good writer, then this could be an option for you. I know of one person who is making a good living from selling a scrapbooking ebook, so this could be a way to make money from your hobby!

Home surveys – find out about genuine surveys that you can carry out for national companies. This can often be a simple survey that you carry out by visiting a shop, restaurant, or similar venue and must be completed online.

Writing articles & webcontent – if you are one of those people that finds writing easy, be thankful. There are many people out there with the skills to set up a successful website, but who haven’t a clue when it comes to writing the content on their web pages. Often times, this is contracted out via companies like and you can bid for the opportunity to write for them.

You can find out more on setting up your home internet business at, visit Home Business online opportunity

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