Where the Wind Blows: Weather That Results in Insurance Claims


With the summer weather approaching even before its rightful time, folks are beginning to miss a spring season that seemed stolen from them. After all, in the northeast alone, the mild and soothing climate that is identified most for the months between March and July did not really make a full showing, save for a few token days. With thunder, wind and full rainstorms making a frequent debut along with below average temperatures followed by a swift showing of above average heat, registering in the upper eighty’s and ninety’s, there really is general cause for the sentiment.

And the loss of the genuine feel of spring was not lost on those involved in the insurance companies or agencies. With nationwide claims related to home or business damages and auto collisions resulting from the varied conditions – anything from floods and tornadoes to hail and wind storms – attention certainly has been focused on the climate.

A concisely written article, therefore, concerning weather and the related effects on liability and safety would seem in order.

Seven Quick Points to Ponder about the Weather and Insurance Ramifications

1. Among all the countries across the globe, it is the United States that is hit the most by damaging tornadoes that wreak havoc on homes, vehicles and property, not to mention the role played in loss of life. With approximately 1,200 annual tornadoes whirling about throughout the related seasons of the year, this is a significant cause of insurance claims.

2. While Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy have become synonymous to tragic loss and life and hundreds of billions of dollars in property damage, other hurricanes, cyclones and super storms are consistently the cause of serious losses as well, resulting in related claims and a changing view of coverage for coastal areas.

3. Blizzards and snow storms across the nation contribute to school closings, auto accidents, roof damage and more.

4. Just as the cold weather can result in a home’s frozen water pipes and bursting, so too excessive heat can threaten crops and property.

5. Hail storms that rain upon US states cause about $1 billion dollars of damage to property and crops.

6. Rain, rain and more rain and resulting floods are a genuine risk to homeowners, vehicle owners and businesses, potentially exposing US property and crops to billions of dollars in damages.

7. Damaging winds are also referred to as straight-line winds that are unrelated to the twister tornadoes. Associated with speeds of 50 or 60 miles per hour and more up to one hundred miles per hour, they are particularly dangerous for mobile home owners.

Weather affects us all. Be sure to have tailored insurance coverage that can protect you from the possible devastation and damages incurred as a result of climatic forces.

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